Free To Play Games (Pay To Win)

So recently I started playing the free to play game Happy Wars on my xbox, it's a fun multiplayer RPG alike title where the object is to take towers and capture the opponents castle. However with all free to play games there are special unique weapons/armor/items that cost real world money to acquire. However these items just so happen to be the most devastating of creations meaning that unless you buy them you'll be left defeated within seconds of starting a battle.

This is precisely what happened to me when playing the game, during the third battle me and my party were at the mercy of the opposing team whom had used happy tokens (currency you gain by using real money) to acquire the best weapons and armor available. With one hit (yes ONE) I was defeated and by the time I respawned the other team had entered our castle and we tasted defeat.

It is simply this that destroys these types of games and makes them as appealing as a hangman's noose to the hardcore generation of gamers.

A simple way to fix this problem would be a filter that only allows those who have purchased such weapons to fight each other and the same for those that have not. 


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